Swim Lessons, Session 2

  Level 2 / Fundamental Skills
  7/8/2024 - 7/11/2024
  Mo, Tu, We, Th
  9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  Alexandria YMCA

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Join us at the Alexandria YMCA for swim lessons this summer! We will provide transportation and supervision or you can meet us there. Children must be at least 4 years of age to ride the bus. Please come dressed and ready for lessons. Feel free to send a snack/lunch with your child to eat on the bus after lessons. We will not have time to purchase from the vending machines, so please DO NOT send money with your child. It is recommended that students who can't dress themselves on their own, do not change after lessons due to time limitations. Students will not be able to shower after lessons unless a plan has been made with the Community Ed office prior to lessons. 

Session 2: July 8-11 (Register by June 17)


The bus will depart Elem @ 7:30, Back of HS @ 7:45, Elrosa Parish Center @ 8:00

The bus will return Elrosa Parish Center @ 12:00 , HS @ 12:15 , Elem at 12:30

Which Level Should My Child Register For?

Guidance from YMCA’s Website: 

3 year - 5 years: Preschool Levels 1-3

6 years - 14 years: School Age Levels 1-6


Level 1/Intro to Water Skills

Students develop comfort in and around the water through skills such as safely entering and exiting the water, blowing bubbles and floating.

Level 2/Fundamental Skills

Students will begin to explore underwater, and swimming without support using combined arm and leg action on both their front and back.

Level 3/Stroke Development

Students will gain confidence in deep water, learn to swim longer distances, and discover new strokes.

Level 4/Stroke Improvement

Students continue to build stroke technique, increase their endurance, and develop new strokes such as breaststroke and butterfly.

Level 5/Stroke Refinement

Students continue to refine stroke technique, learn competitive swimming skills such as diving and flip turns, and continue to build endurance through longer swimming distances.

Level 6/Advanced Fitness

Students further develop skills that encourage swimming after youth lessons are completed. Students continue to build endurance, learn lifeguard skills, and further develop familiarity with competitive swimming. This course includes a 500-yard swim, individual medley, and treading water without hands.


Why the Y for swim lessons? (from alexandriaymca.com/swimlessons)

Certified instructors take a safety-first approach and help students of all ages and skill levels learn at their own pace. This builds confidence in the water and fosters a love for swimming. We also limit our class sizes so students receive more individualized instruction.

As a bonus, our warm pool and year-round instruction allow students to build upon their progress and retain skills permanently.The YMCA has been teaching swim lessons for more than 100 years and we're committed to helping kids, adults, and families become strong, confident swimmers!

Y swim programs provide core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. The Y focuses on safety in and around the water, stroke and skill development, and providing a fun and enjoyable experience.