Jag Lift: Intro to Weightlifting (Gr 6)

  Jag Lift: Intro to Weightlifting (Grade 6)
  6/2/2024 - 6/26/2024
  Su, We
  6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  BBE High School Weight Room & Track

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Jag Lift is a program designed for young male and female athletes who have completed the 6th grade. The objective of this program is to educate the young population on the weight room, proper lifting form with accessory lifts, and the importance of training the body for the sports that these athletes play.

Athletes will get an overview of the equipment provided in the BBE High School weight room, and how to appropriately use this equipment. The BBE gym and track will also be used during this time to help the kids get in a good sweat session.

All of the techniques performed during training will be age-appropriate exercises. Ultimately, if a child is at the age where he/she is playing sports competitively, training the body for this is essential.

If you have any questions regarding the program, please reach out to Hailey Braegelman at (320) 262-1145.

Sign up by May 20. Minimum of 6 athletes.

Dates: June 2-June 26 (Sundays and Wednesdays)

TIme: 6:00pm-7:00pm *arrive by 5:50pm to warm up)

Location: BBE High School Weight Room and Track

Cost: $70 (includes t-shirt if registered by May 20.)